The Rolling Yogi

Photo by Lachlan Dempsey

Photo by Lachlan Dempsey

… that’s Steffi. She is a roller. Not just as in traveling the globe but mainly in exploring yoga. With 1000hours of training under her belt, Steffi keeps her yoga study rolling as she is constantly seeking new and inspiring ways to educate herself within yoga, meditation and health. Since 2008 she has trained more than 500hr in yin yoga and anatomy with her teachers Paul and Suzee Grilley. Steffi is an RYT 500hr certified yoga teacher by Yoga Alliance US. She teaches, organises workshops as well as retreats internationally, and is a writer and a podcast host.

She started her yoga journey some 17 years ago. When thinking about it, she says it’s probably her longest relationship so far. She used to work in the fitness industry teaching different styles of high intensity classes flavoured with long-hold stretching poses. Little did she know this would later link her to yin yoga. During her life she has played various sports, and always loved story telling as well as philosophy but missing the link between these fields. After her first yoga class, Steffi knew how she could finally match her passions and went to practice with many international renown names in the yoga world, such as Paul Grilley (founder of Yin Yoga), Bryan Kest (founder of Power Yoga), David Life & Sharon Gannon (founders of Jivamukti yoga), Sarah Powers, David Swenson, Kino McGregor, Leslie Kaminoff, Lance Schuler, Duncan Wong, Giselle Mari, Cat Alip-Douglas and many more to learn about yoga.


During all those years Steffi rolled and played with all kinds of yoga styles and teachers in order to find her home in old school power yoga, yin yoga and anatomy training, which all blend into her way of teaching yoga from a functional approach: respecting everyone’s unique bodies.

In her classes Steffi encourages each and every one of her students to work with their individual bodies and offers a multitude of options so everyone in class can benefit for their unique needs. She creates a safe environment for every yogi – from first time participant to long time experienced yogis and yoga teachers. Her classes are always mixed level but she ensures that everyone will be challenged in one way or another. By leading you in a playful and humorous way through strong, vigorous power yoga flows, Steffi’s classes ensure that you can distance yourself from the daily sources of stress. In her yin yoga classes, you will find yourself guided safely to a journey of deep tissue relaxation.

There’s only one prerequisite: bring a smile!

Stefanie Blaskowitz